Thursday, December 14, 2006

Followup on Saddam

So, apparently Saddam has already been sentenced to death? I dunno, I kinda have been living in a hole for the past...oh, since late August or so.

They're wanting to hang him and his two top aides at once and then bury him in a secret location. Excellent plan on both counts.

Hanging them together - well, maybe this might not be such a good idea. I don't know, I don't guess it really matters.

Burying him in secret - definitely a good plan, ala Russia STILL not revealing Hitler's remains. I think that was a very smart idea in 1945 and I think it would be just as smart in this situation. I don't think having a burial site/memorial to him will make the insurgents any better or worse, but why honor him in any way?

Or maybe...maybe we should build a REEEEEALLY BIG monument to him. With claymores surrounding it, pointing in. And lots of WP grenades on tripwires. And snipers in close. Hmmm...


MEMEME said...

ohh, i like your thinking... I think we should put him in a highrise over in iraq (like 3/4 the way up and put a bunch of C-4 on the floor above him and let the building come down on top of him... but thats just me...

Anonymous said...

Here's the most appropriate memorial:

I think he shouldn't even have a burial site. Like in ancient times, let his body lay out in the street until it rots completely in the sun like a dead dog. Let people spit on his body, etc. All of this, of course, after our soldiers have used him up for target practice.

Burials, no matter whether in secret or private, are symbolic to putting someone to a peaceful rest. He does not deserve that.

MEMEME said...

I do agree with samantha on that one...